
The phone, the phone, where's the fucking phone? 2-2-08 jpw

My chemical engineering friend Tom from Princeton asked me if I wanted to go to the Nuthouse last night where it was supposedly Princeton Alum Night. I told him that if I ever get in a bar fight it will probably be at the Nuthouse, and that if I ever get in a bar fight it will probably be with someone from Princeton….and yes, I wanted to go to the Nuthouse. When we got there, there was only one other alum there who also happened to be a chemical engineer. She was…let’s just say I haven’t met a lot of engineers that look like that. Eventually people wanted to leave the Nuthouse and go to the downtown bars. This is a bad idea 10-out-of-10 times. I’m not real clear on what happened downtown, but I eventually realized my motor skills were worse than Kayoko Fukoshi’s in the last 400 of the Osaka Marathon, so I decided to stumble back to Tiny House and left everyone else to continue having not fun downtown.

When I woke up this morning, I couldn’t find my brand new cell phone that came in the mail yesterday or Randy’s sunglasses which had been in the same pocket. I did find some bubblegum, a Peter Meter (which is pretty much what it sounds like), a quarter, a $10 bill, and a can of Husky, though. As I ransacked Tiny House trying to find the phone in a scene resembling this clip <http://youtube.com/watch?v=-3ypVEXtb5s>, I also found an unwrapped chicken sandwich in the microwave. So much information about the night before! I eventually realized that I had given Randy his sunglasses back, and I finally found my phone in the glove compartment of my truck.

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