I am obsessed with this website:
Absolutely can’t get enough of it right now. I'm interested in seeing what other people weigh in on this. I'd like to see how many categories you (honestly) fall into. My money is on Cmah to take the crown by alot. (Cmah, come back home. Seriously. I apologize for all the racist Asian jokes. You were white after all.) You can either reply to the post or post your own analysis using welsh@stanford.edu and harwick7.
I’m only counting 9 things that I like on the list. (I would probably also like Wrigley Field except I've never been there. My parents did bring me pictures of Ryne Sandberg and Shawon Dunston from Wrigley when I was a kid which I really liked.)
The list of things I like:
Graduate school: I've been here for 2.5 years and am less than halfway finished.
Juno- Good movie. I like when she plays that Hole song with Jason Bateman.
Dogs- Must be over 20 pounds, though.
Indie music
Arrested Development- Favorite show ever. Probably my #1 on this list.
Microbreweries- They usually have sports on tv, food, and beer. All things that I like. (I guess they always have beer, huh?)
Traveling- There is something I gave up for Lent that I like doing on road trips. Wow, I’m really craving one right now.
Wes Anderson movies- Bottle Rocket is on my Facebook profile!
Assists- I think the blogger meant to say 'hustle' but probably doesn't understand sports enough to get the concept. (He’s from Canada so he only knows hockey and basketball. He would clearly also like Mike Alstott and David Eckstein who have never made any assists. I love hustle. (I read an interview with the guy who made the site. He described himself as a white guy from a neighborhood in
Finally, I would like to say that I don’t like marathons. In the marathon I ran 17 days ago, 5 of my toenails fell off and I became an alcoholic for 2 weeks afterwards.
* #82 Hating Corporations: Check
* #81 Graduate School: Ask me again in two years
* #80 The Idea of Soccer: Nope
* #79 Modern Furniture: Does IKEA count as modern?
* #78 Multilingual Children: Currently taking Irish classes
* #77 Musical Comedy: Case in point? Cannibal: The Musical
* #76 Bottles of Water: I only drink SmartWater
* #75 Threatening to Move to Canada: Nope
* #74 Oscar Parties: Nope
* #73 Gentrification: Had to look up the definition on Wikipedia
* #72 Study Abroad: Double check
* #71 Being the only white person around: Um...no comment
* #70 Difficult Breakups: Nope
* #69 Mos Def: Nope
* #68 Michel Gondry: The music video to Around The World changed my life.
* #67 Standing Still at Concerts: I will dance as long as I don't have to move my feet
* #66 Divorce: ...from reality?
* #65 Co-Ed Sports: Muff-diving is a co-ed sport
* #64 Recycling: Defo
* #63 Expensive Sandwiches: I once paid $16 for a reuben at Zingerman's in Ann Arbor
* #62 Knowing What’s Best for Poor People: Yes. Getting jobs.
* #61 Bicycles: The EXCITORRRR
* #60 Toyota Prius: Hahahahaha!
* #59 Natural Medicine: Eastern medicine?
* #58 Japan: Just finished Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami
* #57 Juno: What's not to like?
* #56 Lawyers: Nope
* #55 Apologies: Sorry, but nope.
* #54 Kitchen Gadgets: I have nothing against them
* #53 Dogs: Yep
* #52 Sarah Silverman: Saw her live last fall
* #51 Living by the Water: Lake Michigan, Connecticut River, Pacific Ocean, River Liffey...
* #50 Irony: Not at all.
* #49 Vintage: I wear my dad's old clothes
* #48 Whole Foods and Grocery Co-ops: That's Skoal Foods to you
* #47 Arts Degrees: Check
* #46 The Sunday New York Times: Check
* #45 Asian Fusion Food: Nope
* #44 Public Radio: I turn on NPR before I pick anyone up in my car so they'll think I'm intelligent
* #43 Plays: Attended a contemporary interpretation of Romeo and Juliet last night (not kidding)
* #42 Sushi: Yes
* #41 Indie Music: Yes
* #40 Apple Products: movie trailers and Shuffle
* #39 Netflix: Not yet
* #38 Arrested Development: Have watched every episode multiple times
* #37 Renovations: Indifferent
* #36 Breakfast Places: Lou's
* #35 The Daily Show/Colbert Report: Check
* #34 Architecture: Particularly that of Barcelona
* #33 Marijuana: Nope
* #32 Vegan/Vegetarianism: Nope
* #31 Snowboarding: Tried it once
* #30 Wrigley Field: Defo
* #29 80s Night: Just a small town girl...Livin in a lonely world
* #28 Not having a TV: Having a shitty TV?
* #27 Marathons: Volunteered at Chicago for 4 years
* #26 Manhattan (now Brooklyn too!): Nope
* #25 David Sedaris: Check
* #24 Wine: Nope
* #23 Microbreweries: Check
* #22 Having Two Last Names: having two middle names?
* #21 Writers Workshops: Yep
* #20 Being an expert on YOUR culture: def not
* #19 Traveling: Wow
* #18 Awareness: Self-awareness
* #17 Hating their Parents: nope
* #16 Gifted Children: haha
* #15 Yoga: Nope
* #14 Having Black Friends: At least a few token ones?
* #13 Tea: Yep
* #12 Non-Profit Organizations: Yep
* #11 Asian Girls: Nah
* #10 Wes Anderson Movies: Check * #9 Making you feel bad about not going outside: Defo
* #8 Barack Obama: Yes we can!
* #7 Diversity: Check
* #6 Organic Food: Nah
* #5 Farmer’s Markets: Particularly the one in Norwich
* #4 Assists: ?
* #3 Film Festivals: Check
* #2 Religions their parents don’t belong to: Not applicable
* #1 Coffee: Nope
Too lazy to add up the score. White people don't like numbers...
p.s. I did this at work
I counted 41 for you. Nince work. I had to make a few judgement calls on ambiguous answers. I counted them up at work.
I'm at 10 now with the addition of hating corporations.
I wasn't going to post, and then I realized that I can set this bar impossibly high. I dare anyone to be whiter than me.
* #82 Hating Corporations: Yes
* #81 Graduate School: I'm not smart enough to get in
* #80 The Idea of Soccer: Big time. I love Liverpool FC (only b/c Keith yelled at me for not knowing who they are. I can name two players and have no knowledge of any game played before 2007)
* #79 Modern Furniture: I own a mattress that sits on the floor and two crappy dressers that I bought off Craigslist. I think this is a big no.
* #78 Multilingual Children: No. I can barely speak English. But I like the idea, although it seems to count on me actually having children, which we all know is impossible since all girls with 200 feet of me run away.
* #77 Musical Comedy: I love Adam Sandler so much that I own Spanglish.
* #76 Bottles of Water: I prefer the tap, but on the road I always buy bottles rather than fill up my own water bottle.
* #75 Threatening to Move to Canada: Yes
* #74 Oscar Parties: Not the dress-up and drink wine kind, but I definitely went to Boups' house to watch them with his wife. Does this count?
* #73 Gentrification: I'm with Chris. I have no idea what this means
* #72 Study Abroad: See #78 about me barely speaking English. I'm in for study abroads in England and that's it.
* #71 Being the only white person around: Sure
* #70 Difficult Breakups: I only date crazy girls, so of course this comes with it.
* #69 Mos Def: Yes
* #68 Michel Gondry: Who is this?
* #67 Standing Still at Concerts: Big time
* #66 Divorce: nah
* #65 Co-Ed Sports: Yes. I like being better than at least one person playing (the overweight girl who has never played sports before)
* #64 Recycling: Yes
* #63 Expensive Sandwiches: Yes
* #62 Knowing What’s Best for Poor People: Yes.
* #61 Bicycles: Yes. Das Bike
* #60 Toyota Prius: No. This car is for sissies. But do Mini Cooper's count?
* #59 Natural Medicine: Yes
* #58 Japan: Yes
* #57 Juno: Haven't seen it, but I want to.
* #56 Lawyers: Nope
* #55 Apologies: Come on, I apologize for everything.
* #54 Kitchen Gadgets: Yes! I go to kitchen stores all the time
* #53 Dogs: Yep
* #52 Sarah Silverman: Big no. I think she's annoying and 0% funny
* #51 Living by the Water: Probably #1 on my list
* #50 Irony: Yes
* #49 Vintage: Yes
* #48 Whole Foods and Grocery Co-ops: I live in Boulder. Even the safeways look like whole foods here.
* #47 Arts Degrees: My Thayer degree is basically worth an arts degree
* #46 The Sunday New York Times: Yes
* #45 Asian Fusion Food: Yes
* #44 Public Radio: Car Talk, All things considered, snooty classical music. Awesome
* #43 Plays: Yes
* #42 Sushi: Yes
* #41 Indie Music: Yes
* #40 Apple Products: Two computers, iPod, iPhone. Did I mention I used to work for them? Probably #2 on my list
* #39 Netflix: Yes
* #38 Arrested Development: Favorite TV show of all time
* #37 Renovations: Yes. Probably #3 on my list
* #36 Breakfast Places: The Village Coffee Shop twice a week
* #35 The Daily Show/Colbert Report: Yes
* #34 Architecture: Yes
* #33 Marijuana: Yes
* #32 Vegan/Vegetarianism: Yes
* #31 Snowboarding: Tried it once. Think it sucks. I think Telemark skiing is more of a white person thing than snowboarding, so I give myself credit for this one
* #30 Wrigley Field: Haven't been, but I'm going this summer. And I lvoe the idea of it.
* #29 80s Night: Yes
* #28 Not having a TV: Like the idea, but would miss Mets games and Law and Order re-runs
* #27 Marathons: Yes
* #26 Manhattan (now Brooklyn too!): Yes
* #25 David Sedaris: Yes
* #24 Wine: Beer is better, but I like wine too.
* #23 Microbreweries: Yes
* #22 Having Two Last Names: No
* #21 Writers Workshops: No
* #20 Being an expert on YOUR culture: No
* #19 Traveling: Yes
* #18 Awareness: Eh
* #17 Hating their Parents: No
* #16 Gifted Children: No
* #15 Yoga: Yes
* #14 Having Black Friends: Yes
* #13 Tea: Yes
* #12 Non-Profit Organizations: Yes
* #11 Asian Girls: Yes
* #10 Wes Anderson Movies: Yes
* #9 Making you feel bad about not going outside: Yes
* #8 Barack Obama: Yes we can!
* #7 Diversity: Yes
* #6 Organic Food: Yes
* #5 Farmer’s Markets: Yes!
* #4 Assists: If the def. is actually 'hustle' like Welsh said, then Yes!
* #3 Film Festivals: Yes
* #2 Religions their parents don’t belong to: My parents are atheists. I'm thinking of joining a church out here. Does that count?
* #1 Coffee: Yes
* #82 Hating Corporations: I stop runs to take dumps at starbucks
* #81 Graduate School: Is there another easy degree I can pick up?
* #80 The Idea of Soccer: I watched Italy win in the North End. I almost bought a jersey
* #79 Modern Furniture: I'm from the Nark school of furniture. People I work with have called it a "crackhouse decor."
* #78 Multilingual Children: Yes. Unrealistic. But yes.
* #77 Musical Comedy: Not really, although I was a big Dr. Demento fan.
* #76 Bottles of Water: Ideologically opposed. Why not pay the same amount and live the high life.
* #75 Threatening to Move to Canada: Not really, although I'd love to live in Vancover or Toronto...so yes.
* #74 Oscar Parties: Nope. I hate Katherine Heigel.
* #73 Gentrification: Nope. And I hate the term "loft." just call it an appartment
* #72 Study Abroad: Yes.
* #71 Being the only white person around: Yes. That's why I love Sam's BBQ so much.
* #70 Difficult Breakups: Yes big time. Even my short crappy relationships have sweet break-ups.
* #69 Mos Def: Not really.
* #68 Michel Gondry: Didn't know who he was, but likes some of the movies.
* #67 Standing Still at Concerts: Got kicked out of Simain Mobile Disco yesterday for being too rowdy.
* #66 Divorce: nope
* #65 Co-Ed Sports: I've got a coed beer league volleyball game tonight. Last week we got beat 25-4 and 25-7 by a team called the 'cupcakes'
* #64 Recycling: I love it.
* #63 Expensive Sandwiches: Nope
* #62 Knowing What’s Best for Poor People: Not really. I give the homeless guys by the freeway beer. Once one guy said "no, that's what got me here in the first place." I have no idea what's best for poor people.
* #61 Bicycles: Kinda
* #60 Toyota Prius: Civic baby
* #59 Natural Medicine: No Medicine
* #58 Japan: Sore subject
* #57 Juno: I liked it, but I didn't want to.
* #56 Lawyers: Nope. I did have a great time at the law school prom, but I don't think that counts.
* #55 Apologies: Sorry, I just really like them.
* #54 Kitchen Gadgets: Yes, but not enough to buy them.
* #53 Dogs: Yep
* #52 Sarah Silverman: Yes, I like that she has big cans and dresses like a 3rd grade little leaguer.
* #51 Living by the Water: I like the idea. I'd have to make it pretty big.
* #50 Irony: Honestly I usually don't understand it.
* #49 Vintage: I prefer old.
* #48 Whole Foods and Grocery Co-ops: See Juno. It's hard to argue with Beer Alley.
* #47 Arts Degrees: Yes
* #46 The Sunday New York Times: Meah.
* #45 Asian Fusion Food: Not really.
* #44 Public Radio: I worked at NPR on 'General Protection Fault'
* #43 Plays: Yes
* #42 Sushi: No. I also really dont' like the idea of Sushi. It's a lot like Vampire Weekend.
* #41 Indie Music: Yes and No. See vampire weekend. There's something so inauthentic about music that comes from self-awareness.
* #40 Apple Products: Waiting for my tank of a PC to die.
* #39 Netflix: Yes, especially when Owen pays.
* #38 Arrested Development: I used the, 'hey do you want to go back to my place and watch arrested development' line a few times.
* #37 Renovations: One day I would like to be the type of person who does renovations.
* #36 Breakfast Places: Big Yes.
* #35 The Daily Show/Colbert Report: Not really.
* #34 Architecture: Not Really.
* #33 Marijuana: Yes
* #32 Vegan/Vegetarianism: Dont' like Veganism. Vegetarianism is ok though.
* #31 Snowboarding: Yup. Broke my wrist though.
* #30 Wrigley Field: JV Fenway
* #29 80s Night: Nope. Traumatic dating experience.
* #28 Not having a TV: Unfortunatley one of my roomates has one.
* #27 Marathons: Anyone want to do a fall marathon? Redwoods? Twin Cities?
* #26 Manhattan (now Brooklyn too!): Don't really know enough.
* #25 David Sedaris: Nah.
* #24 Wine: JV Beer
* #23 Microbreweries: Yes Yes
* #22 Having Two Last Names: No
* #21 Writers Workshops: No
* #20 Being an expert on YOUR culture: Nope
* #19 Traveling: Yes.
* #18 Awareness: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6FE1kOZKs8
* #17 Hating their Parents: No
* #16 Gifted Children: No
* #15 Yoga: No
* #14 Having Black Friends: I'm trying.
* #13 Tea: Yes
* #12 Non-Profit Organizations: Yes
* #11 Asian Girls: Not really. Hierarchy as follows. black, hispanic, white, indian, asian, dudes
* #10 Wes Anderson Movies: Yep.
* #9 Making you feel bad about not going outside: I'm on my way outside, I swear.
* #8 Barack Obama: Delegate for precinct 136 baby
* #7 Diversity: No.
* #6 Organic Food: See Juno.
* #5 Farmer’s Markets: Big Yes.
* #4 Assists: Love the assists
* #3 Film Festivals: Nope
* #2 Religions their parents don’t belong to: Nope
* #1 Coffee: Nope.
* #82 Hating Corporations: No
* #81 Graduate School: Yes
* #80 The Idea of Soccer: Not really
* #79 Modern Furniture: Why is there no Ikea in Austin?
* #78 Multilingual Children: Meh, let's all just speak English.
* #77 Musical Comedy: Nope
* #76 Bottles of Water: I suck at hydrating.
* #75 Threatening to Move to Canada: Yes, until I met Paul Morrison.
* #74 Oscar Parties: I wish I knew.
* #73 Gentrification: Yes.
* #72 Study Abroad: Sure, though I missed out...
* #71 Being the only white person around: Not really... I've had 99% white roommates (thank you Jordan).
* #70 Difficult Breakups: Yes.
* #69 Mos Def: Yes.
* #68 Michel Gondry: Sorta.
* #67 Standing Still at Concerts: NO.
* #66 Divorce: Please, no.
* #65 Co-Ed Sports: No.
* #64 Recycling: I wish I was better at it.
* #63 Expensive Sandwiches: Eating? Yes. Paying? No.
* #62 Knowing What’s Best for Poor People: No.
* #61 Bicycles: I like the idea of bicycles.
* #60 Toyota Prius: Jetta, baby.
* #59 Natural Medicine: Western medicine.
* #58 Japan: Yes.
* #57 Juno: Didn't see it, closed minded about liking it.
* #56 Lawyers: Sure... mostly because my brother is a lawyer.
* #55 Apologies: Yes, too much.
* #54 Kitchen Gadgets: No... I think a toaster oven does it all.
* #53 Dogs: Yes.
* #52 Sarah Silverman: Yes.
* #51 Living by the Water: Only in New England.
* #50 Irony: Sure.
* #49 Vintage: I prefer old school preppy.
* #48 Whole Foods and Grocery Co-ops: Whole Foods? Yes. Grocery Co-ops? No.
* #47 Arts Degrees: Tell me how it makes you FEEL.
* #46 The Sunday New York Times: YES.
* #45 Asian Fusion Food: No.
* #44 Public Radio: Yes.
* #43 Plays: Sometimes.
* #42 Sushi: I prefer fried rice.
* #41 Indie Music: NO.
* #40 Apple Products: Yes. I took out a loan to buy an iPhone.
* #39 Netflix: Yes!
* #38 Arrested Development: Yeah, but not as much as other people seem to.
* #37 Renovations: I wish I had something to renovate.
* #36 Breakfast Places: Yes.
* #35 The Daily Show/Colbert Report: It's best when it is subtle. So, not so much anymore.
* #34 Architecture: Yes.
* #33 Marijuana: Nope.
* #32 Vegan/Vegetarianism: No.
* #31 Snowboarding: Yes.
* #30 Wrigley Field: I think I would.
* #29 80s Night: Only if it involves Def Leppard.
* #28 Not having a TV: I'm okay with that, as long as I have an AppleTV.
* #27 Marathons: I see that in my future.
* #26 Manhattan (now Brooklyn too!): Meh.
* #25 David Sedaris: Ignorant.
* #24 Wine: I like pretending I know more about wine than I do.
* #23 Microbreweries: Yes.
* #22 Having Two Last Names: NO.
* #21 Writers Workshops: No.
* #20 Being an expert on YOUR culture: Sure.
* #19 Traveling: Yes.
* #18 Awareness: I'm aware of what I want to be.
* #17 Hating their Parents: No.
* #16 Gifted Children: No.
* #15 Yoga: No.
* #14 Having Black Friends: Does Jordan count?
* #13 Tea: Meh.
* #12 Non-Profit Organizations: Sure.
* #11 Asian Girls: Meh.
* #10 Wes Anderson Movies: YES.
* #9 Making you feel bad about not going outside: I do that to myself. That count?
* #8 Barack Obama: YES.
* #7 Diversity: NO.
* #6 Organic Food: Only if I can't tell the difference.
* #5 Farmer’s Markets: Sure.
* #4 Assists: Yeah.
* #3 Film Festivals: I want to like film festivals...
* #2 Religions their parents don’t belong to: NO.
* #1 Coffee: YES!
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